Free Adobe Lightroom Preset Sample


This Adobe Lightroom preset sample is a unique demo preset not included in this preset collection. This sample is a free demo preset that offers a glimpse of the quality and style you'll find in the full set, giving you a hands-on experience to see the difference these presets make.

This one, called "Hushed Hue" is designed to provide a sophisticated matte finish, giving images a subtle retro elegance.

So, this free preset is my way of inviting you to try before you buy, ensuring you're completely confident with installing, using and playing with the preset first. See for yourself how this preset will add a sophisticated matte finish and a subtle retro elegance. Just play around with it and see how it adds a touch of editing excellence to let it transform your photos!

Furthermore, here’s a quick rundown of the most common questions I get about the presets I offer.

What are presets?
Presets are editing settings (such as light, color, and details) that are saved in a file and can be applied to any image.

Why do people buy your presets?
People buy my presets because they like the look of the posts and stories I share on Instagram and want to copy the basic style. Others use them to learn from how I edit and eventually apply these learnings to their own work.

How would you describe the style of this preset?
This single preset sample is called “Hushed Hue” and is what I would call grainy, filmic, retro, mattebut subtle.

How many presets are included?
This sample only includes 1 single preset.

What file types work with these presets?
All my presets work with RAW, JPEG, DNG, and HEIF/HEIC files, or actually all file types supported by Lightroom and Lightroom Classic.

Is this a one-click edit?
While you can apply my presets with one click, I highly recommend making basic adjustments to suit each image. Start playing around with exposure, highlights, and shadows to get the most out of these presets.

Do I need to know how to edit?
It's helpful to have a basic understanding of editing, including adjusting exposure, highlights, and shadows. However, more advanced editing skills will let you get the most out of these presets.

Can I modify the preset and turn them into my own?
Absolutely! I really encourage you to modify my presets and make them your own.

What file type do I get?
You'll receive an xmp file.

What software do I need?
My presets work with Lightroom Classic, Lightroom Desktop, and Lightroom Mobile.

Will this preset work with free versions of the software?
My presets are designed for the full-paid versions, but feel free to try if you’re not paying for the software.

Will this preset work with old versions of the software?
My presets are designed on and for the latest software, so please double-check.

What happens after getting this set?
If you want to download this demo preset, you have to fill in a short form after which you will automatically receive an email containing a link to the zip file together with a download confirmation. The download link will expire 24 hours. If your link is expired, you'll get an email to the email address used for your initial request.

How do I install this preset?
It’s very easy to install. Download the compressed folder containing the preset. Once downloaded, just go to the presets module of Lightroom, click on the “+” button and select “Import Presets”. Select the .XMP files and you’re done! Easy peasy!

Finally, if you decide to get the full package, I just want to say thank you for supporting me. Buying these presets is one of the most direct ways you can support my work.

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